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習慣性の付く病名一覧 「習慣性○○」 71種類

  習慣性     日本語       英語        ⑦- 71     
習慣性アフタ症  habitual aphthosis 
習慣性アンギナ・アンギーナ habitual angina
習慣性いびき症 habitual snoring
習慣性かみしめ addictive bite
習慣性痙攣  habitual seizures
習慣性チック habit tic    addictive tics
習慣性頻尿 habitual frequent urination
習慣性へんとう腺炎 habitual angina   habitual tonsillitis
習慣性胃軸捻転症 habitual gastric volvulus
習慣性胃捻転症 addictive gastric torsion
習慣性円背 addictive dorsal
習慣性下顎前方転位症 habitual anterior mandibular dislocation
習慣性下痢 habitual diarrhea
習慣性開閉運動  habitual opening and closing movement
習慣性顎関節亜脱臼 Habitual temporomandibular joint subluxation
習慣性顎関節脱臼 habitual luxation of the temporomandibular joint
習慣性喫煙 habitual smoking やっぱりこれ、病気ですよね? 護摩森の野郎達!
習慣性胸鎖関節亜脱臼 habitual sternoclavicular subluxation
習慣性肩関節亜脱臼 habitual shoulder subluxation
習慣性肩関節後方亜脱臼症 habitual posterior subluxation of the shoulder joint
習慣性肩関節後方不安定症 habitual posterior instability of the shoulder joint
習慣性肩関節前方脱臼 Habitual anterior shoulder dislocation
習慣性肩関節脱臼 habitual shoulder dislocation
習慣性股関節脱臼 habitual hip dislocation
習慣性口峡炎  habitual stomatitis 
習慣性口呼吸  habitual mouth breathing
習慣性姿勢 addictive posture
習慣性歯肉出血 habitual gum bleeding
習慣性歯磨耗症 habitual tooth wear disease
習慣性耳下腺炎 habitual parotitis
習慣性斜頚 habitual torticollis
習慣性尺側手根伸筋腱脱臼 habitual ulnar carpal extensor tendon dislocation
習慣性脊柱側弯症  habitual scoliosis
習慣性脊柱彎曲症 habitual curvature
習慣性掻破行動 addictive scratching behavior
習慣性早産 habitual premature delivery
習慣性側弯症 habitual scoliosis
習慣性足関節亜脱臼 habitual ankle subluxation
習慣性多飲 addictive polydipsia
習慣性胎児死亡 addictive fetal death
習慣性脱臼  habitual luxation; habitual dislocation; recurrent dislocation
習慣性脱臼様症状  habitual dislocation-like symptoms 
習慣性丹毒 habitual erysipelas
習慣性弛緩出血 habitual flaccid bleeding
習慣性腸管破裂 habitual intestinal rupture
習慣性頭痛  chronic daily headache
習慣性動作模倣障害 addictive behavior mimicry disorder
習慣性妊娠初期流産 habitual early pregnancy miscarriage
習慣性鼻出血 habitual epistaxis
習慣性膝蓋骨亜脱臼 habitual patellar subluxation
習慣性膝蓋骨脱臼 habitual patellar luxation
習慣性不妊 addictive infertility
習慣性閉口 habitual closure
習慣性閉口障害 addictive closure disorder
習慣性偏心咬合 acquired eccentric occlusion
習慣性片側性顎関節脱臼 habitual unilateral temporomandibular dislocation
習慣性片側咀嚼 addictive unilateral chewing
習慣性便秘  habitual constipation
習慣性頬粘膜咬傷 habitual buccal mucosal bite
習慣性無力感 addictive helplessness
習慣性夜尿 addictive nocturnal urine
習慣性抑制  habit control
習慣性乱交 addictive orgy
習慣性流産 abortus habitualis habitual miscarriage  recurrent fetal loss
習慣性咬合位  habitual occlusal position
習慣性咬合位歩行 habitual occlusal gait
習慣性嘔吐 habitual vomiting
習慣性扁桃 addictive tonsillitis
習慣性橈骨小頭脱臼 habitual radial microcephaly dislocation
習慣性痙縮  habitual spasticity
習慣性腓骨筋腱脱臼 habitual peroneal tendon dislocation