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血栓性の付く病名一覧 「血栓性○○」 62種類

 血栓性     日本語       英語        ⑦-62          
血栓イレウス thrombotic ileus
血栓性ステント閉塞症 thrombotic stent occlusive disease
血栓性リンパ管炎  thrombotic embolism; thromboembolism
血栓性延髄梗塞 thrombotic medullary infarction
血栓性遠位中大脳動脈瘤 thrombotic distal middle cerebral aneurysm
血栓性下大静脈閉塞症 thrombotic inferior vena cava occlusive disease
血栓性壊疽  thrombotic gangrene 
血栓性海綿静脈洞炎 thrombotropinous sinusitis
血栓性外痔核  external thrombosed hemorrhoids
血栓性冠動脈閉塞 thrombotic coronary artery occlusion
血栓性冠閉塞 thrombotic coronary occlusion
血栓性官閉塞 thrombotic organ obstruction
血栓性橋梗塞 thrombotic pontine infarction
血栓性頚部内頚動脈閉塞 thrombotic internal carotid artery occlusion of the neck
血栓性血管炎  thromboangiitis 
血栓性血小板減少性紫斑病 thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 
血栓性梗塞  thrombotic infarction
血栓性合併症 clotting complication    thrombotic complication
血栓性細小血管障害  thrombotic microangiopathy
血栓性子宮頸部静脈炎 thrombotic cervical phlebitis
血栓性痔核 thrombosed hemorrhoid
血栓性疾患 thrombotic disease
血栓性出血  thrombotic bleeding
血栓性小動脈炎 microarteritis thrombotic
血栓性小脳梗塞 thrombotic cerebellar infarction
血栓性障害 thrombotic disorders
血栓性上腸間膜動脈虚血 thrombotic superior mesenteric artery ischemia
血栓性心内膜炎 thrombotic endocarditis    thromboendocarditis
血栓水頭症 thrombotic hydrocephalus
血栓性静脈炎  thrombophlebitis; venous thrombophlebitis
血栓性静脈洞炎 thrombotic sinusitis
血栓性静脈内膜炎  thrombophlebitis
血栓性前大脳動脈梗塞 thrombotic precerebral artery infarction
血栓性多枝心筋梗塞 thrombotic multibranched myocardial infarction
血栓性中大脳動脈急性閉塞 thrombotic middle cerebral artery acute occlusion
血栓性椎骨脳底動脈急性閉塞 thrombotic vertebrobasilar artery acute occlusion
血栓性動脈炎  thromboarteritis 
血栓性動脈内膜炎  thrombotic endarteritis 
血栓性内痔核 internal thrombosed hemorrhoids
血栓性内頸静脈炎 cases of thrombotic internal jugularphlewitis
血栓性内頸動脈閉塞症 thrombotic internal carotid artery occlusive disease
血栓性脳幹梗塞 thrombotic brainstem infarction
血栓脳梗塞 thrombotic cerebral infarction
血栓性脳主幹動脈閉塞症 thrombotic main artery occlusive disease
血栓脳卒中 thrombotic stroke 
血栓性牌梗塞 thrombotic infarction
血栓肺塞栓症 thrombotic pulmonary embolism
血栓性肺動脈症 thrombotic pulmonary [pulmonic] arteriopathy
血栓性発症  thrombotic episode
血栓性微小血管症  thrombotic microangiopathy
血栓性微小血管障害症 thrombotic microangiopathy
血栓性膝窩静脈瘤 thrombotic popliteal varicose veins
血栓性病変 thrombotic lesion
血栓性閉塞 thrombotic obstruction    thrombotic occlusion
血栓性閉塞性血管炎  thromboembolic vasculitis 
血栓性閉塞性動脈炎  thromboarteritis obliterans
血栓性弁不全 thrombotic valvular insufficiency
血栓性末梢性中大脳動脈瘤 thrombotic peripheral middle cerebral aneurysm
血栓性末梢前大脳動脈瘤 thrombotic peripheral precerebral aneurysm
血栓性脈管炎  thromboangiitis 
血栓性門脈炎 thrombotic portal veinitis     thrombotic portalitis 
血栓緑内障 thrombotic glaucoma