持続性 日本語 |
英語 ⑤-171 |
持続性血尿 | persistent hematuria |
持続性高熱 | high continuous fever |
持続性AFL | persistent AFL |
持続性インスリン過剰分泌症 | persistent hypersecretion of insulin |
持続性ウイルス感染症 | persistent viral infections |
持続性けいれん | tonic convulsion |
持続性ぜん息 | prolonged asthma |
持続性タール便 | persistent tarry stool |
持続性タンパク尿 | constant proteinuria persistent proteinuria |
持続性テタニー | persistent tetany |
持続性疼痛 | constant ache nagging pain |
持続性ニューロパシー性疼痛 | persistent neuropathic pain |
持続性ブロック | tonic block |
持続性メサンギウム増殖性腎炎 | persistent mesangial proliferative nephritis |
持続性リンパ球増多症 | persistent lymphocytosis |
持続性リンパ節症 | persistent lymphadenopathy |
持続性悪性高熱症 | persistent malignant hyperthermia |
持続性異物炎症 | persistent foreign body inflammation |
持続性胃痛 | constant ache in one's stomach |
持続性右上腹部痛 | persistent right upper quadrant pain |
持続性運動失調 | persistent ataxia |
持続性炎症 | continued inflammation sustained inflammation |
持続性下痢 | persistent diarrhea |
持続性咳漱 | persistent cough |
持続性拡張期高血圧 | sustained diastolic hypertension |
持続性乾性咳嗽 | persistent dry cough |
持続性感染 | persistent infection |
持続性肝炎 | persistent hepatitis |
持続性関節炎 | persistent arthritis |
持続性癌とう痛 | persistent cancer pain |
持続性眼内炎 | persistent endophthalmitis |
持続性顔疼痛 | continuous facial pain |
持続性機械痛覚過敏 | persistent mechanical hyperalgesia |
持続性機能障害 | prolonged dysfunction |
持続性気管支拡張 | sustained bronchodilation |
持続性気漏 | persistent hypohectomania |
持続性吃逆 | persistent hiccup persistent stuttering |
持続性吸息 | apneusis; maintained inspiration |
持続性虚血 | protracted ischemia |
持続性狭心症 | prolonged angina pectoris |
持続性胸痛 | persistent chest pain |
持続性筋強直 | persistent muscle tonicity |
持続性筋収縮 | sustained muscle contraction |
持続性筋線維活動症候群 | continuous muscle fiber activity syndrome |
持続性菌血症 | continuous bacteremia |
持続性空気漏れ | persistent air leakage |
持続性血気胸 | persistent hemopneumothorax |
持続性血尿 | persistent hematuria |
持続性血尿症候群 | persistent hematuria syndrome |
持続性健忘症 | persistent amnesia |
持続性肩関節前方亜脱臼 | sustained anterior subluxation of the shoulder joint |
持続性原発性尿細管アシドーシス | persistent primary renal tubular acidosis |
持続性呼吸困難 | persistent dyspnea |
持続性好酸球増加 | persistent eosinophilia |
持続性好中球増多症 | persistent neutrophilia |
持続性高CK血症 | persistent hyperCKemia |
持続性高EBウイルス血症 | persistent hyper EB viremia |
持続性高アルドステロン症 | persistent hyperaldosteronism |
持続性高インスリン血性低血糖症 | persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia |
持続性高カルシウム血症 | persistent hypercalcemia |
持続性高グリセリド血症 | persistent hyperglyceridemia |
持続性高コルチゾール症 | persistent hypercortisolosis |
持続性高メチオニン血症 | persistent hypermethioninemia |
持続性高眼圧 | sustained high intraocular pressure |
持続性高血圧 | persistent high blood pressure |
持続性高血糖 | persistent hyperglycemia |
持続性高尿酸血症 | sustained hyperuricemia |
持続性高熱 | persistent high fever |
持続性腰痛 | persistent low back pain |
持続性左房調律性頻拍症 | persistent left atrio-tuned tachycardia |
持続性肢端皮膚炎 | acrodermatitis perstans |
持続性耳下腺腫脹 | persistent parotid swelling |
持続性耳漏 | continuous otorrhea; continuous otorrhoea |
持続性腫脹 | persistent swelling |
持続性収縮 | non-transitory contraction persistent contraction |
持続性出血 | continued bleeding persistent bleeding |
持続性小腸潰瘍 | persistent small bowel ulcer |
持続性上皮小体機能亢進症 | persistent hyperepithelial bodies |
持続性心室性頻拍 | persistent ventricular tachycardia |
持続性心室性頻脈 | sustained ventricular tachycardia |
持続性心室性不整脈 | persistent ventricular arrhythmia |
持続性心室頻拍 | sustained ventricular tachycardia |
持続性心房細動 | persistent atrial fibrillation |
持続性心房静止 | persistent atrial standstill |
持続性心房粗動 | persistent atrial flutter |
持続性心房停止 | persistent atrial arrest |
持続性心律動障害 | sustained cardiac-rhythm disturbance |
持続性振戦 | persistent tremor |
持続性腎不全 | persisting renal failure |
持続性睡眠リズム障害 | persistent sleep rhythm disorder |
持続性性喚起症候群 | persistent sexual arousal syndrome |
持続性性器覚醒障害 | persistent genital arousal disorder |
持続性生体リズム障害 | persistent biological rhythm disturbances |
持続性先端皮膚炎 | acrodermatitis perstans |
持続性全身性リンパ節腫脹 | persistent generalized lymphadenopathy |
持続性組織損傷 | persistent tissue damage |
持続性多汗 | persistent hyperhidrosis |
持続性多形成心室頻拍 | persistent polyplastic ventricular tachycardia |
持続性胎児循環症候群 | persistent fetal circulation syndrome |
持続性胎児洞性徐脈 | persistent fetal sinus bradycardia |
持続性脱臼 | consecutive dislocation |
持続性単球増加症 | persistent monocytosis |
持続性単形性心室頻拍 | sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia |
持続性単形性心室頻拍 | persistent monomorphic ventricular tachycardia |
持続性蛋白尿 | persistent proteinuria |
持続性知覚障害 | persistent paresthesia |
持続性知覚性姿勢誘発めまい | persistent perceptual posture-induced vertigo |
持続性低K血症 | persistent hypoKemia |
持続性低ガンマグロブリン血症 | persistent hypogammaglobulinemia |
持続性低血圧 | persistent hypotension prolonged hypotension |
持続性低血圧徐脈発作 | persistent hypotension bradycardia attack |
持続性低血糖 | persistent hypoglycemia |
持続性低補体血症 | persistent hypocomplementemia |
持続性伝播 | persistent transmission |
持続性等尺性収縮 | sustained isometric contraction |
持続性頭痛 | constant headache |
持続性特発性顔面痛 | persistent idiopathic facial pain |
持続性毒ガス | persistent poisonous gas |
持続性鈍痛 | constant dull ache |
持続性尿失禁 | continuous incontinence persistent incontinence |
持続性肺炎 | persisting pneumonia [pneumonitis] |
持続性肺高血圧症 | persistent pulmonary hypertension |
持続性発作 | continuous seizure |
持続性発情 | persistent estrus |
持続性発熱 | persistent fever |
持続性発熱性好中球減少症 | persistent febrile neutropenia |
持続性疲労 | continuing fatigue persistent fatigue |
持続性皮膚硬化 | persistent skin hardening |
持続性非家族性高アルホス血症 | persistent non-familial alkaline phosphataseemia |
持続性鼻炎 | persistent rhinitis |
持続性鼻汁 | persistent nasal secretion |
持続性鼻漏 | persistent rhinorrhea |
持続性貧血 | persistent anemia |
持続性頻拍 | incessant tachycardia |
持続性頻脈 | persistent tachycardia |
持続性頻脈性不整脈 | sustained tachyarrhythmia |
持続性不整脈 | continuous arrhythmia |
持続性部分てんかん | epilepsia partialis continua |
持続性副甲状腺機能亢進症 | persistent hyperparathyroidism |
持続性腹痛 | persistent abdominal pain |
持続性複雑性死別悲嘆障害 | persistent complex bereavement grief disorder |
持続性分娩後無月経 | persistent postpartum amenorrhea |
持続性閉塞 | persistent obstruction |
持続性片側神経痛様頭痛 | persistent unilateral neuralgia-like headache |
持続性片側神経痛様頭痛発作 | persistent unilateral neuralgia-like headache attack |
持続性片側頭痛 | hemicrania continua |
持続性方向交代性頭位眼振 | persistent directional alternating positional nystagmus |
持続性勃起症 | persistent erapism |
持続性末梢神経障害 | persistent peripheral neuropathy |
持続性慢性肝炎 | chronic persistent hepatitis |
持続性脈 | sustained pulse |
持続性無月経 | permanent amenorrhea |
持続性無呼吸 | persistent apnea |
持続性無痛性唾液腺腫脹 | persistent painless salivary gland swelling |
持続性陽圧呼吸 | continuous positive airway pressure |
持続性抑うつ障害 | persistent depressive disorder |
持続性抑制 | persistence suppression |
持続性隆起性紅斑 | erythema elevatum diutinum |
持続性連日性頭痛 | persistent daily headache |
持続性喘鳴 | persistent wheezing |
持続性嘔吐 | continuous vomiting prolonged vomiting |
持続性嚥下障害 | persistent dysphagia |
持続性鬱血性心不全 | prolonged congestive heart failure |
持続性疼痛 | tonic pain |
持続性痙攣 | persistent convulsions |
持続性痰産生性咳 | persistent sputum-producing cough |
持続性絨毛性疾患 | persistent gestational trophoblastic disease |
持続性脾腫 | persistent splenomegaly |
持続性頸部硬膜外血腫 | persistent cervical epidural hematoma |
持続性顆粒球減少症 | persistent granulocytopenia |
性持続性筋硬直 | persistent muscle rigidity |