遅発性 日本語 |
英語 ⑤-310 |
遅発性Anorexia nervosa |
tardive Anorexia nervosa |
遅発性Bochdalek孔ヘルニア |
tardive Bochdalek foramen hernia |
遅発性B群溶血性連鎖球菌感染症 |
late-onset group B hemolytic streptococcal infection |
遅発性CMV腸炎 |
late CMV enteritis |
遅発性Descemet膜剝離 |
late onset Descemet membrane detachment |
遅発性Diffuse Lamellar Keratitis |
late onset Diffuse Lamellar Keratitis |
遅発性Lennox-Gastaut症候群 |
lardive Lennox-Gastaut syndrome |
遅発性Oozing型心破裂 |
late Oozing heart rupture |
遅発性polyneuropathy |
tardive polyneuropathy |
遅発性S状結腸穿通 |
delayed sigmoid colon perforation |
遅発性VVR |
late onset VVR |
遅発性アカシジア |
tardive akathisia |
遅発性アナフィラキシー |
late onset anaphylaxis |
遅発性アルツハイマー病 |
late [late-onset] Alzheimer's disease |
遅発性アレルギー |
late onset allergy |
遅発性アレルギー性皮膚炎 |
late-onset allergic dermatitis |
遅発性インスリン依存型糖尿病 |
late-onset insulin-dependent diabetes |
遅発性ウイルス感染症 |
slow virus disease; slow virus infection |
遅発性エネルギー代謝不全 |
delayed energy metabolism failure |
遅発性オーラルジスキネジア |
tardive oral dyskinesia |
遅発性カタトニア |
late catatonia |
遅発性くも膜下出血 |
delayed subarachnoid hemorrhage |
遅発性けいれん易発症 |
late convulsions |
遅発性ジスキネジア |
tardive dyskinesia |
遅発性ジストニア |
tardive dystonia |
遅発性ステント血栓症 |
late stent thrombosis |
遅発性スミチオン中毒 |
late smithion poisoning |
遅発性喘息 |
late-onset asthma slow-onset asthma |
遅発性たこつぼ型心筋症 |
tardive cardiomyopathy |
遅発性ツーレット様症候群 |
late tourette-like syndrome |
遅発性てんかん |
tardy epilepsy |
遅発性パーキンソン病 |
late-onset parkinson's disease |
遅発性パラフレニア |
tardive paraphrenia |
遅発性パラフレニー |
tardive paraphrenia |
遅発性ビタミンK欠乏症 |
late vitamin k deficiency |
遅発性ぶどう膜炎 |
late uveitis |
遅発性ペースメーカー感染 |
delayed pacemaker infection |
遅発性ボホダレック孔ヘルニア |
tardive bochodarec foramen hernia |
遅発性麻痺 |
delayed paralysis [palsy] |
遅発性マラリア |
late-onset malaria |
遅発性メッシュ感染 |
late-onset mesh infection |
遅発性ヨードショック |
delayed iodine shock |
遅発性リンパ浮腫 |
late-onset lymphedema |
遅発性ワレンベルグ症候群 |
tardive wallenberg syndrome |
遅発性悪心 |
late onset nausea |
遅発性悪心嘔吐 |
delayed nausea and vomiting |
遅発性悪性高熱症 |
delayed onset malignant hyperthermia |
遅発性意識障害 |
delayed onset consciousness disorder |
遅発性胃管壊死 |
delayed gastric tube necrosis |
遅発性萎黄病 |
late-onset chlorosis |
遅発性遺伝性疾患 |
late-onset genetic disorders |
遅発性遺伝性白内障 |
late-onset cataract |
遅発性一過性失語症 |
delayed transient aphasia |
遅発性一過性徐脈 |
delayed transient bradycardia |
遅発性咽頭穿孔 |
delayed pharyngeal perforation |
遅発性運動異常 |
tardive dyskinesia |
遅発性横隔膜ヘルニア |
late [late-onset] diaphragmatic hernia |
遅発性横隔膜損傷 |
delayed diaphragmatic injury |
遅発性下顎前突症 |
delayed mandibular protrusion |
遅発性下行結腸狭窄 |
delayed descending colon stenosis |
遅発性下行大動脈損傷 |
delayed descending aortic injury |
遅発性下肢虚血 |
delayed leg ischemia |
遅発性下腹壁動脈損傷 |
delayed lower abdominal wall artery injury |
遅発性下痢 |
delayed diarrhea |
遅発性化学性肺臓炎 |
late-onset chemical pneumonitis |
遅発性仮性肝動脈瘤 |
delayed pseudohepatic aneurysm |
遅発性過敏症 |
delayed-type hypersensitivity |
遅発性過灌流症候群 |
late hyperperfusion syndrome |
遅発性壊死性腸炎 |
tardive necrotizing enteritis |
遅発性海馬CA1神経細胞死 |
delayed hippocampal ca1 neuronal death |
遅発性外傷性横隔膜ヘルニア |
delayed traumatic diaphragmatic hernia |
遅発性外傷性気胸 |
delayed traumatic pneumothorax |
遅発性外傷性頚部頚動脈解離性動脈瘤 |
delayed traumatic cervical carotid artery dissecting aneurysm |
遅発性外傷性髄液鼻漏 |
delayed traumatic cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea |
遅発性外傷性脳内血腫 |
delayed traumatic intracerebral hematoma |
遅発性外傷性脳内出血 |
late traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage |
遅発性外傷性脳梁出血 |
delayed traumatic callosum hemorrhage |
遅発性外傷性腹壁ヘルニア |
delayed traumatic abdominal wall hernia |
遅発性拡散能低下 |
late diffusion capacity decreased |
遅発性角膜炎 |
late keratitis |
遅発性学習記憶障害 |
delayed learning memory impairment |
遅発性感音性難聴 |
delayed sensorineural hearing loss |
遅発性感音難聴 |
delayed sensorineural hearing loss |
遅発性感染症 |
late-onset infection |
遅発性肝損傷 |
late liver injury |
遅発性肝中心静脈閉塞症 |
late-onset central hepatic vein occlusive disease |
遅発性肝破裂 |
delayed liver rupture |
遅発性肝不全 |
late onset hepatic failure |
遅発性肝類洞閉塞症候群 |
late-onset hepatic sinus obstruction syndrome |
遅発性間質性腎炎 |
late interstitial nephritis |
遅発性間質性肺炎 |
delayed interstitial pneumonia |
遅発性顔面神経麻痺 |
delayed facial paralysis |
遅発性気管支穿孔 |
delayed bronchial perforation |
遅発性気管支閉塞 |
late bronchial obstruction |
遅発性気管支膜様部損傷 |
late bronchomembranous injury |
遅発性気脳症 |
late-onset pneumatic encephalopathy |
遅発性気腹症 |
delayed pneumoinfarction |
遅発性偽性後硬膜動脈瘤 |
delayed pseudodural retrodural aneurysm |
遅発性急性腎不全 |
delayed acute renal failure |
遅発性虚血性合併症 |
tardive ischemic complications |
遅発性虚血性小腸狭窄 |
delayed ischemic small bowel stenosis |
遅発性虚血性脳障害 |
delayed ischemic brain injury |
遅発性虚血脱落症状 |
delayed ischemic neurological deficits |
遅発性協調運動障害 |
delayed coordination disorder |
遅発性胸郭出口症候群 |
late thoracic outlet syndrome |
遅発性胸鎖関節頭側亜脱臼 |
delayed sternoclavicular cephalodisation |
遅発性局所麻酔薬中毒 |
late onset local anesthetic poisoning |
遅発性筋萎縮 |
delayed muscle atrophy |
遅発性筋肉痛 |
delayed onset muscle soreness |
遅発性結腸穿孔 |
delayed colon perforation |
遅発性血胸 |
late hemothorax |
遅発性血行障害 |
delayed blood circulation disorders |
遅発性血腫 |
late onset hematoma |
遅発性血腫形成 |
late hematoma formation |
遅発性血清学的輸血反応 |
delayed serological transfusion reaction |
遅発性血栓性閉塞 |
late thrombotic obstruction |
遅発性原発性低ガンマグロブリン血症 |
late primary hypogammaglobulinemia |
遅発性呼吸困難 |
delayed dyspnea |
遅発性呼吸性ジスキネジア |
delayed respiratory dyskinesia |
遅発性呼吸不全 |
delayed respiratory failure |
遅発性呼吸抑制 |
delayed respiratory depression |
遅発性孤立性肺転移 |
delayed isolated lung metastasis |
遅発性鼓膜穿孔 |
delayed eardrum perforation |
遅発性後わん変形 |
late onset doggie deformity |
遅発性後遺症 |
delayed sequelae |
遅発性交代性ホルネル徴候 |
late coerciative horner signs |
遅発性口腔ジスキネジア |
tardive oral dyskinesia |
遅発性喉頭壊死 |
delayed laryngeal necrosis |
遅発性喉頭狭窄 |
delayed laryngeal stenosis |
遅発性喉頭肉芽腫 |
late laryngeal granuloma |
遅発性好中球減少症 |
late onset neutropenia |
遅発性硬膜下血腫 |
late-onset subdural hematoma |
遅発性高次脳機能障害 |
late-onset higher brain dysfunction |
遅発性骨転移 |
late bone metastases |
遅発性骨頭圧潰 |
late-onset bone head crushing |
遅発性骨頭壊死 |
delayed osteocephalic necrosis |
遅発性骨弁陥没 |
late bone flap depression |
遅発性左心室瘤 |
delayed left ventricular aneurysm |
遅発性挫傷性脳内出血 |
delayed contusive intracerebral hemorrhage |
遅発性再狭窄 |
delayed restenosis |
遅発性再発 |
late [late-onset] relapse late [late-onset] recurrence |
遅発性再縫合不全 |
late resuture failure |
遅発性細胞死 |
delayed cell death |
遅発性産褥子癇 |
late puerperium |
遅発性視野欠損 |
late-onset visual field defects |
遅発性疾患 |
delayed disorder indolent disorder |
遅発性尺骨神経麻痺 |
tardy ulnar nerve palsy tardy ulnar palsy |
遅発性十二指腸穿孔 |
delayed duodenal perforation |
遅発性縦隔洞炎 |
delayed mediastinitis |
遅発性出血 |
delayed bleeding |
遅発性出血性ショック |
delayed hemorrhagic shock |
遅発性出血性膀胱炎 |
delayed hemorrhagic cystitis |
遅発性出現 |
delayed appearance |
遅発性術後眼内炎 |
delayed postoperative endophthalmitis |
遅発性徐脈 |
delayed bradycardia |
遅発性症候性椎間孔狭窄 |
late-onset symptomatic foramen stenosis |
遅発性症状 |
late [late-onset] symptom delayed symptom |
遅発性障害 |
late radiation injury, latent health injury |
遅発性上気道閉塞 |
delayed upper airway obstruction |
遅発性上行結腸穿孔 |
delayed ascending colon perforation |
遅発性上大静脈穿孔 |
delayed superior vena cava perforation |
遅発性食道穿孔 |
delayed esophageal perforation |
遅発性心タンポナーデ |
delayed cardiac tamponade |
遅発性心室中隔穿孔 |
delayed ventricular septal perforation |
遅発性心毒性 |
late-occurring cardiotoxicity |
遅発性心嚢内血腫 |
late-onset intrapericardial hematoma |
遅発性深部感染 |
late deep infection |
遅発性真皮メラノサイトーシス |
tardive dermal melanocytosis |
遅発性神経血管障害 |
late-onset neurovascular accident |
遅発性神経原性肺水腫の1例 |
a case of late-onset neurogenic pulmonary edema |
遅発性神経細胞壊死 |
delayed neuronal death |
遅発性神経疾患 |
delayed neuropathy |
遅発性神経傷害 |
delayed neuropathy |
遅発性神経性食思不振症 |
delayed nervosa phagocytosis |
遅発性神経脱落症 |
late onset nerve loss |
遅発性神経毒性 |
delayed neurotoxicity |
遅発性神経麻痺 |
delayed nerve palsy |
遅発性進行性筋萎縮症 |
late-onset progressive muscular atrophy |
遅発性水頭症 |
late onset hydrocephalus |
遅発性水俣病 |
late-onset minamata disease |
遅発性錐体外路症候群 |
tardive extrapyramidal syndrome |
遅発性髄液鼻漏 |
delayed cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea |
遅発性髄液漏 |
delayed cerebrospinal fluid leakage |
遅発性正中神経麻痺 |
delayed median nerve palsy |
遅発性精神病性障害 |
late-onset psychotic disorder |
遅発性脊髄硬膜外膿瘍 |
late-onset spinal epidural abscess |
遅発性脊髄障害 |
late-onset spinal cord disorder |
遅発性脊髄麻痺 |
delayed spinal cord paralysis |
遅発性脊椎圧潰 |
late-onset spinal crushing |
遅発性脊椎骨端骨異形成症 |
spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda |
遅発性脊椎症 |
late spondylosis |
遅発性摂食障害 |
delayed eating disorder |
遅発性舌下神経麻痺 |
delayed hypoglossal nerve palsy |
遅発性先天性横隔膜ヘルニア |
late onset congenital diaphragmatic hernia |
遅発性先天性腸閉塞 |
delayed congenital bowel obstruction |
遅発性穿孔 |
delayed perforation |
遅発性全穂不稔性 |
late-onsetwholepaniclesterility |
遅発性創感染 |
late wound infection |
遅発性双極性障害 |
late onset bipolar disorder |
遅発性総胆管穿孔 |
delayed common bile duct perforation |
遅発性増悪 |
late exacerbation |
遅発性臓器損傷 |
delayed organ damage |
遅発性続発緑内障 |
late secondary glaucoma |
遅発性対側動眼神経麻痺 |
delayed contralateral oculomotor nerve palsy |
遅発性大腿骨近位部骨折 |
delayed proximal femur fracture |
遅発性大腿深動静脈瘻 |
delayed femoral deep arteriovenous fistula |
遅発性大腿動脈仮性瘤 |
delayed femoral artery pseudoaneurysm |
遅発性大腸壊死 |
delayed colorectal necrosis |
遅発性大腸狭窄 |
delayed colon stenosis |
遅発性大腸穿孔 |
delayed colon perforation |
遅発性大動脈解離 |
delayed aortic dissection |
遅発性胆管閉塞 |
late bile duct obstruction |
遅発性胆汁性腹膜炎 |
tardive biliary peritonitis |
遅発性胆汁漏 |
delayed bourrhea. |
遅発性胆汁瘻 |
late biliary fistula |
遅発性胆道狭窄 |
delayed biliary stenosis |
遅発性胆嚢穿孔 |
delayed gallbladder perforation |
遅発性恥骨骨髄炎 |
tardive pubic osteomyelitis |
遅発性中枢毒性 |
late central toxicity |
遅発性虫垂壊死周囲膿瘍 |
late appendiceal necrosis peripheral abscess |
遅発性聴力障害 |
delayed hearing impairment |
遅発性腸管狭窄 |
delayed intestinal stenosis |
遅発性腸間膜仮性動脈瘤 |
delayed mesenteric pseudoaneurysm |
遅発性腸間膜血腫 |
late mesenteric hematoma |
遅発性腸間膜腫瘤 |
late-onset mesenteric mass |
遅発性腸間膜出血 |
delayed mesenteric hemorrhage |
遅発性腸狭窄 |
delayed bowel stenosis |
遅発性腸閉塞 |
delayed bowel obstruction |
遅発性長母指伸筋腱断裂 |
delayed long-onset long-toe extensor tendon rupture |
遅発性椎体圧潰 |
late-onset vertebral crushing |
遅発性通過障害 |
delayed passage disorder |
遅発性低カルシウム血症 |
late-onset hypocalcemia |
遅発性低リン血症 |
tardive hypophosphatemia |
遅発性低酸素血症 |
late hypoxemia |
遅発性低酸素脳症 |
delayed hypoxic encephalopathy |
遅発性低酸素白質脳症 |
tardive hypoxic leukoencephalopathy |
遅発性統合失調症 |
late schizophrenia |
遅発性頭蓋内出血 |
delayed intracranial hemorrhage |
遅発性動眼神経麻痺 |
delayed oculomotor nerve palsy |
遅発性動脈狭窄 |
delayed arterial stenosis |
遅発性毒性 |
retardative toxicity late [late-onset] toxicity |
遅発性内リンパ水腫 |
delayed endolymphatic hydrops |
遅発性難聴 |
delayed hearing loss |
遅発性乳び胸 |
delayed chylothorax |
遅発性乳酸アシドーシス |
late-onset lactic acidosis |
遅発性尿管損傷 |
delayed ureteral injury |
遅発性尿管腟瘻 |
delayed ureteral vaginal fistula |
遅発性認知機能低下 |
delayed cognitive decline |
遅発性納豆アナフィラキシー |
delayed natto anaphylaxis |
遅発性脳幹振盪症 |
delayed brainstem tremor |
遅発性脳幹部出血 |
delayed brainstem hemorrhage |
遅発性脳虚血 |
delayed cerebral ischemia |
遅発性脳虚血発症 |
late onset of cerebral ischemia |
遅発性脳血管攣縮 |
delayed cerebral vasospasm |
遅発性脳血流減少症 |
delayed cerebral blood flow reduction |
遅発性脳症 |
late onset encephalopathy |
遅発性脳内出血 |
delayed intracerebral hemorrhage |
遅発性排尿障害 |
delayed dysuria |
遅発性肺高血圧症 |
delayed pulmonary hypertension |
遅発性肺瘻 |
delayed pneumonic fistula |
遅発性白質脳症 |
tardive leukoencephalopathy |
遅発性白質病変 |
late-onset white matter lesions |
遅発性反復性脱臼 |
late recurring dislocation |
遅発性汎血球減少症 |
late pancytopenia |
遅発性皮下感染 |
late subcutaneous infection |
遅発性皮下膿症 |
late subcutaneous pyometra |
遅発性皮膚ポルフィリン症 |
porphyria cutanea tarda |
遅発性皮膚炎 |
late dermatitis |
遅発性皮膚障害 |
late-onset skin disorders |
遅発性肥大型心筋症 |
delayed hypertrophic cardiomyopathy |
遅発性膝蓋骨脱臼 |
delayed patellar luxation |
遅発性不随意運動 |
delayed involuntary movement |
遅発性不全対麻痺 |
late onset of defect versus paraplegia |
遅発性伏在神経障害 |
delayed saphenous neuropathy |
遅発性副腎過形成 |
late adrenal hyperplasia |
遅発性副腎破裂 |
delayed adrenal rupture |
遅発性腹腔内出血 |
delayed intra-abdominal bleeding |
遅発性分裂病 |
late-onset schizophrenia |
遅発性片麻痺 |
delayed hemiplegia |
遅発性放射線障害 |
late radiation hazard; delayed effects of radiation |
遅発性放射線性心障害 |
late-onset radiation heart injury |
遅発性放射線性舌潰瘍 |
late-onset radiation tongue ulcer |
遅発性放射線脊髄症 |
delayed radiation myelopathy |
遅発性放射線脳症 |
late radiation encephalopathy |
遅発性放射線肺障害 |
delayed radiation lung injury |
遅発性縫合不全 |
late suture failure |
遅発性萌出 |
late-onset eruption |
遅発性房室ブロック |
delayed atrioventricular block |
遅発性慢性型白血病 |
late-onset chronic leukemia |
遅発性慢性収縮性心外膜炎 |
delayed chronic contractile epicarditis |
遅発性慢性皮膚粘膜カンジダ症 |
late chronic cutaneous mucosal candidiasis |
遅発性無ろう性膿胸 |
delayed anomia empyema |
遅発性無酸素症後脳症 |
delayed anoxia postencephalopathy |
遅発性迷路瘻孔 |
delayed labyrinth fistula |
遅発性薬疹 |
late-onset drug eruptions |
遅発性有害事象 |
late adverse events |
遅発性溶血性輸血反応 |
delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction |
遅発性溶血性輸血副作用 |
delayed hemolytic transfusion side effects |
遅発性流入過剰型持続勃起症 |
delayed influx hyperpriapism |
遅発性両側性太田母斑様色素斑 |
late bilateral nevus-like pigment spots |
遅発性腕神経叢麻痺 |
delayed brachial plexus paralysis |
遅発性喘息 |
late asthma |
遅発性嘔吐 |
delayed emesis |
遅発性橈骨神経浅枝障害 |
late-onset radial nerve superficial branch disorder |
遅発性濾過胞感染 |
late filtration follicle infection |
遅発性脾破裂 |
late splenic rupture |
遅発性膀胱損傷 |
delayed bladder injury |
遅発性膀胱破裂 |
delayed bladder rupture |
遅発性膵液漏 |
delayed pancreatic juice leakage |
遅発性躁病 |
delayed mania |