嚢胞性 日本語 |
英語 ⑤-75 |
嚢胞性2分頭蓋 |
cranium bifidum cysticum |
嚢胞性エキノコックス症 |
cystic echinococcosis |
嚢胞性エナメル上皮腫 |
cystic ameloblastoma |
嚢胞性くも膜炎 |
cystic arachnoiditis |
嚢胞性グリオーム |
cystic glioma |
嚢胞性ざ瘡 |
cystic acne |
嚢胞性ヒグローマ |
hygroma cystic; cystic hygroma |
嚢胞性ポリープ |
cystic polyp |
嚢胞性リンパ管腫 |
cystic lymphangioma |
嚢胞性黄体 |
cystic corpus luteum |
嚢胞性黄斑障害 |
cystic macular disorder |
嚢胞性過形成 |
cystic hyperplasia |
嚢胞性過誤腫 |
cystic hamartoma |
嚢胞性奇形腫 |
cystic teratoma |
嚢胞性気腫 |
cystic emphysema |
嚢胞性偽穿孔脳性空洞 |
cystic pseudoporencephalic cavitation |
嚢胞性梗塞 |
cystic infarction |
嚢胞性甲状腺腫 |
cystic goiter |
嚢胞性骨形成不全症 |
osteogenesis imperfecta cystica |
嚢胞性骨髄炎 |
cystic osteomyelitis |
嚢胞性子宮腺筋症 |
cystic adenomyosis |
嚢胞性子宮内膜増殖症 |
cystic hyperplasia of endometrium |
嚢胞性脂肪腫 |
cystic lipoma |
嚢胞性歯牙腫 |
cystic odontoma |
嚢胞性疾患 |
cystic disorder |
嚢胞性腫脹 |
cystic swelling |
嚢胞性腫瘍 |
cystic neoplasm |
嚢胞性障害 |
cystic lesion |
嚢胞性新生物 |
cystic neoplasm |
嚢胞性神経膠腫 |
cystic glioma |
嚢胞性腎疾患 |
cystic kidney disease; cystic diseases of kidney |
嚢胞性腎盂炎 |
cystic pyelonephritis |
嚢胞性腎盂尿管炎 |
cystic pyeloureteritis |
嚢胞性水滑液腫 |
cystic hydrosynovial effusion |
嚢胞性髄膜腫 |
cystic meningioma |
嚢胞性星状細胞腫 |
cystic astrocytoma |
嚢胞性脊椎披裂 |
cystic spina bifida |
嚢胞性線維腫 |
cystic fibroma |
嚢胞性線維症 |
cystic fibrosis mucoviscidosis |
嚢胞性線維性骨炎 |
ostitis fibrosa cystica |
嚢胞性線維腺腫 |
cystadenofibroma |
嚢胞性線維腺症 |
cystic fibroadenosis |
嚢胞性繊維症 |
cystic fibrosis |
嚢胞性繊維性骨炎 |
osteitis fibrosa cystica |
嚢胞性腺腫様奇形 |
cystic adenomatoid malformation |
嚢胞性腺腫様形成異常 |
cystic adenomatoid malformation |
嚢胞性前立腺上皮間質腫瘍 |
cystic epithelial-stromal tumors of the prostate |
嚢胞性増殖 |
cystic proliferation |
嚢胞性増殖症 |
cystic hyperplasia |
嚢胞性胎盤 |
cystic placenta |
嚢胞性中皮腫 |
cystic mesothelioma |
嚢胞性中膜壊死 |
cystic medial necrosis; cystic medionecrosis |
嚢胞性中膜変性 |
cystic medial degeneration |
嚢胞性内側壊死 |
cystic medial necrosis |
嚢胞性軟骨腫 |
cystic chondroma |
嚢胞性二分脊椎 |
spina bifida cystica |
嚢胞性乳腺症 |
cystic mastopathy cystic breast |
嚢胞性乳頭腫様頭蓋咽頭腫 |
cystic papillomatous craniopharyngioma |
嚢胞性尿管炎 |
cystic urethritis |
嚢胞性脳室周囲白質軟化症 |
cystic periventricular leukomalacia |
嚢胞性脳腫瘍 |
cystic brain tumor |
嚢胞性肺気腫 |
bullous emphysema |
嚢胞性肺疾患 |
bullous lung disease |
嚢胞性白質脳症 |
cystic leukoencephalopathy |
嚢胞性白内障 |
cystic cataract |
嚢胞性病変 |
cystic lesion |
嚢胞性変性 |
cystic degeneration |
嚢胞性卵巣 |
cystic ovary |
嚢胞性卵巣腫瘍 |
cystic ovarian tumor |
嚢胞性卵巣症候群 |
polycystic ovarian syndrome |
嚢胞性卵胞 |
cystic ovarian follicle |
嚢胞性膀胱炎 |
cystitis cystica; cystic cystitis |
嚢胞性膣炎 |
cystic vaginitis |
嚢胞性膣肥厚症 |
colpohyperplasia cystica |
嚢胞性膵臓性線維症 |
cystic pancreatic fibrosis |