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特発・特発性の付く病名一覧  「特発性○○」 464種類 力作やぞ!

      特発性   日本語             英語  ⑥-464
特発性1型高リポ蛋白血症 Idiopathic Hyperlipemia 
特発性カルシフィラキシス Idiopathic Calciphylaxis 
特発性しもやけ Idiopathic perniosis 
特発性心因性頭痛 Idiopathic Headache 
特発性無筋炎型皮膚筋炎 Idiopathic myopathy 
特発性てんかん  真性てんかん  idiopathic epilepsy 
特発性/遺伝性肺動脈性肺高血圧症 Idiopathic/heritable pulmonary arterial hypertension

sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis〔【略】sporadic ALS ; SALS〕

特発性AVN Idiopathic AVN   Atrioventricular Node   房室結節
特発性CD4リンパ球減少症 Idiopathic CD4 lymphocytopenia
特発性Mタンパク血症 idiopathic M‐proteinemia 
特発性QT延長症候群 idiopathic long QT syndrome
特発性SLE idiopathic systemic lupus erythematosu
特発性アカラシア Idiopathic achalasia
特発性アジソン病  idiopathic addison disease 

idiopathic anaphylaxis


idiopathic amyloidosis

特発性アルドステロン症  idiopathic aldosteronism 
特発性うっ血性脾腫 Idiopathic congestive splenomegaly 
特発性エイズ消化器症  idiopathic AIDS enteropathy
特発性おてんば  idiopathic tomboyishness 
特発性オリーブ橋小脳萎縮症 Idiopathic Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy 

idiopathic calcium lithiasis

特発性カンプトコーミア Idiopathic camptocormia
特発性キャンプトコーミズ Idiopathic camptocormism

spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage〔【略】SSAH〕

特発性くも膜下出血  idiopathic subarachnoid hemorrhage 
特発性クレチン病  idiopathic cretinism 

idiopathic seizure


spontaneous keloid


idiopathic dystonia

特発性じん麻疹  idiopathic urticaria 
特発性ステロイド性骨壊死症 idiopathic steroidal osteonecrolysis
特発性ステロイド抵抗性ネフローゼ症候群 Idiopathic steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome  Idiopathic SRNS
特発性ダクトペニア Idiopathic ductopenia
特発性デ・トニ・デブレ・ファンコーニ症候群 Idiopathic De Toni-Debre-Fanconi Syndrome 
特発性テタニー  idiopathic tetany 

idiopathic epilepsy syndrome

特発性ニューロパチー  idiopathic neuropathy 
特発性ネフローゼ症候群  idiopathic nephrotic syndrome 
特発性パーキンソン病  idiopathic parkinson's disease  
特発性肺動脈拡張 idiopathic dilatation of the pulmonary artery
特発性バラ疹 idiopathic roseola 
特発性ヒトプリオン Idiopathic human prion disease
特発性びまん性間質性線維症 idiopathic diffuse interstitial fibrosis
特発性びまん性間質性肺炎 idiopathic diffuse interstitial pneumonia 
特発性びらん性直腸炎  idiopathic erosive proctitis 
特発性ブドウ膜炎  idiopathic uveitis 
特発性ブドウ膜滲出液症候群 Idiopathic uveal effusion syndrome
特発性ヘモクロマトーシス  idiopathic hemochromatosis 
特発性ペントース尿症  idiopathic pentosuria 
特発性マリー‐バンベルゲル症候群  idiopathic Marie‐Bamberger syndrome 
特発性ミオクロニーてんかん Idiopathic Myoclonic Epilepsy 
特発性ミオグロビン尿症  idiopathic myoglobinuria 
特発性もやもや病 Idiopathic Moyamoya disease
特発性異化亢進性低タンパク血症 Idiopathic Hypercatabolic Hypoproteinemia 
特発性異常蛋白血症  idiopathic dysproteinemia 
特発性胃萎縮  idiopathic gastric atrophy 

idiopathic gastric perforation〔【略】IGP〕


idiopathic gastric rupture

特発性胃不全麻痺 Idiopathic gastroparesis

idiopathic atrophy

特発性運動障害性疼痛  spontaneous esophageal motor disorder pain 

idiopathic inflammation

特発性炎症性ミオパシー idiopathic inflammatory myopathy
特発性炎症性筋炎 Idiopathic inflammatory myositis
特発性炎症性筋疾患  idiopathic inflammatory myopathy 

idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease〔【略】IIBD〕


idiopathic diaphragmatic paralysis

特発性黄斑円孔   idiopathic macular hole 
特発性黄斑毛細血管拡張症 Idiopathic macular telangiectasia 
特発性下垂体性小人症 idiopathic pituitary dwarfism 
特発性下垂体性糖尿病  idiohypophysial diabetes 
特発性家族性ジストニア Idiopathic Familial Dystonia 
特発性家族性てんかん症候群 Idiopathic or cryptogenic familial epilepsy syndrome 
特発性家族性黄疸  idiopathic familial jaundice 
特発性家族性高脂血症  idiopathic familial hyperlipemia 
特発性家族性肺動脈性肺高血圧症 Idiopathic familial pulmonary arterial hypertension
特発性過形成  idiopathic hyperplasia 
特発性過度眠気 Idiopathic excessive sleepiness
特発性過眠症 idiopathic hypersomnia   idiopathic hypersomnolence
特発性壊死 idiopathic necrosis 
特発性壊疽 , 特発性脱疽 idiopathic gangrene
特発性壊疽性鼻炎  idiopathic gangrenous rhinitis 
特発性拡張型心筋症 idiopathic dilation(dilated) cardiomyopathy
特発性冠動脈解離  特発性SCAD  Idiopathic SCAD  spontaneous coronary artery dissection
特発性感染症 Idiopathic infection       cryptogenic infection
特発性環境不耐性 Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance 
特発性肝外胆道閉鎖症 Idiopathic Extrahepatic Biliary Atresia 
特発性肝硬変 cryptogenic cirrhosis 
特発性間質性線維症 idiopathic interstitial fibrosis 
特発性間質性肺炎 idiopathic interstitial pneumonia 
特発性関節炎 idiopathic arthritis 
特発性関節脱臼 idiopathic joint dislocation
特発性関節軟骨石灰化症  idiopathic articular chondrocalcinosis 
特発性眼球軟化症  idiopathic eyeball malacia 
特発性眼筋麻痺 idiopathic ophthalmoplegia
特発性眼振 idiopathic nystagmus
特発性眼内炎症緑内障  spontaneous intraocular inflammation glaucoma 
特発性眼瞼浮腫症 idiopathic eyelid edema
特発性眼瞼痙攣 - 口顎ジストニア症候群 Idiopathic Blepharospasm-Oromandibular Dystonia Syndrome 
特発性顔面神経麻痺(ベル麻痺) idiopathic facial paralysis 
特発性顔面麻痺   idiopathic facial paralysis 
特発性器質化肺炎 idiopathic organizing pneumonia
特発性基底核石灰化症 idiopathic basal ganglia calcification 
特発性気管気管支腫大 Idiopathic tracheobronchomegaly
特発性気管支拡張症   idiopathic bronchiectasis 
特発性気胸 idiopathic pneumothorax
特発性起立性低血圧症  idiopathic orthostatic hypotension 
特発性偽性腸閉塞症  idiopathic intestinal pseudo-obstruction 
特発性吸収不良 Idiopathic malabsorption 
特発性急性横断性脊髄炎 Idiopathic acute transverse myelitis
特発性急性間質性肺炎 idiopathic acute interstitial pneumonia 
特発性急性顔面神経障害 Idiopathic Acute Facial Neuropathy 
特発性急性好酸球性肺炎 idiopathic acute eosinophilic pneumonia
特発性急性膵炎 idiopathic acute pancreatitis
特発性巨細胞性心筋炎 idiopathic giant-cell myocarditis
特発性巨大結腸症  idiopathic megacolon 
特発性胸腰椎側弯症 idiopathic thoracolumbar scoliosis
特発性胸椎側弯症 idiopathic thoracic scoliosis
特発性胸膜炎 idiopathic pleurisy 
特発性胸膜実質線維弾性症 Idiopathic pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis
特発性胸膜肺線維弾性症 Idiopathic pleuropulmonary fibroelastosis

spontaneous coagulation

特発性筋萎縮  idiopathic muscular atrophy 

sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis〔【略】sporadic ALS ; SALS〕

特発性筋炎  idiopathic inflammatory myopathy 
特発性筋収縮  idiomuscular contraction; idiomuscular elevation 
特発性筋隆起  idiomuscular elevation 
特発性頚椎硬膜外血腫 idiopathic cervical epidural hematoma
特発性結節性脂肪織炎 Idiopathic nodular panniculitis

idiopathic angioedema

特発性血球異形成(IDUS) Idiopathic hematodysplasia
特発性血球減少症(ICUS) Idiopathic cytopenia 
特発性血腫  idiopathic hematoma 
特発性血小板血症 idiopathic thrombocythemia 
特発性血小板減少症 idiopathic thrombocytopenia 
特発性血小板減少性紫斑病 idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura  
特発性血小板減少性紫斑病合併妊娠 pregnancy with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
特発性血小板増加症  idiopathic thrombocytosis 
特発性血色素尿症 idiopathic hemoglobinuria
特発性血鉄症  idiopathic hemosiderosis 
特発性血尿   idiopathic hematuria

idiopathic language [speech] retardation

特発性限局性脂肪異栄養症 Idiopathic localized lipodystrophy
特発性呼吸窮迫  特発性呼吸困難  idiopathic respiratory distress 
特発性呼吸窮迫症候群 idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome 
特発性呼吸障害症候群  idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome 
特発性呼吸低下症候群  idiopathic hypoventilation syndrome 
特発性呼吸不全症候群   idiopathic respitatory distress syndrome
特発性呼吸亢進症候群  idiopathic hyperventilation syndrome 
特発性孤立性小陰茎 Idiopathic isolated micropenis
特発性後天性全身性無汗症  acquired idiopathic generalized anhidrosis 
特発性後天性溶血性貧血 Idiopathic Acquired Hemolytic Anemia 
特発性後部ブドウ膜炎 Idiopathic posterior uveitis
特発性後腹膜線維症 Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis
特発性後腹膜繊維化症   idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis 
特発性口腔顔面ジスキネジア Idiopathic Orofacial Dyskinesia 
特発性口内炎  idiopathic stomatitis 
特発性喉頭肉芽腫 idiopathic laryngeal granuloma
特発性好酸球性筋炎 Idiopathic eosinophilic myositis
特発性好酸球性肺炎 Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonia
特発性好酸球性慢性肺炎 idiopathic eosinophilic chronic pneumopathy
特発性好酸球増加症 Idiopathic eosinophilia
特発性好酸球増多症候群 idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome 
特発性好中球減少症  idiopathic neutropenia 
特発性拘束型心筋症 idiopathic restrictive cardiomyopathy
特発性硬化性腸間膜炎 idiopathic sclerosing mesenteritis

idiopathic erythema

特発性高アルドステロン症  idiopathic hyperaldosteronism 
特発性高カルシウム尿症 idiopathic hypercalciuria 
特発性高ガンマグロブリン血症 idiopathic hypergammaglobulinemia
特発性高コレステロール血症  idiopathic hypercholesterolemia 
特発性高ビリルビン血症 idiopathic hyperbilirubinemia 

idiopathic hyperprolactinemia

特発性高血圧症   idiopathic hypertension 
特発性腰椎側弯症 idiopathic lumbar scoliosis
特発性骨壊死 idiopathic osteonecrosis

idiopathic bone cavity〔【略】IBC〕

特発性骨腔  特発性骨空洞   idiopathic bone cavity 
特発性骨髄化生  agnogenic myeloid metaplasia 
特発性骨髄線維症 idiopathic myelofibrosis  agnogenic myeloid metaplasia  
特発性骨髄不全 Idiopathic bone marrow failure
特発性骨折 病的骨折 pathological fracture; spontaneous fracture 
特発性骨粗鬆症 idiopathic osteoporosis 

idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis〔【略】DISH〕

特発性骨溶解  idiopathic osteolysis 
特発性再生不良性貧血 idiopathic aplastic anemia
特発性再発性昏迷 Idiopathic recurrent stupor
特発性再発性硝子体出血 Idiopathic recurrent vitreal hemorrhage 
特発性再発性心膜炎 Idiopathic recurrent pericarditis  Idiopathic relapsing pericarditis
特発性細菌性腹膜炎 spontaneous bacterial peritonitis  
特発性三叉神経痛  特発性三叉神経障害 idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia 
特発性思春期脊柱側弯症 idiopathic adolescent scoliosis

idiopathic precocious puberty〔【略】IPP〕

特発性指節骨先端骨溶解症 Idiopathic phalangeal acroosteolysis
特発性指崩壊  idiopathic finger collapse 
特発性指趾切断症  idiopathic toe amputation
特発性指趾離断症 dactylosis spontanea

idiopathic glomerular disorder [disease]

特発性紫斑病肝炎 Idiopathic peliosis hepatis
特発性脂肪性下痢  idiopathic steatorrhea 
特発性脂肪便症  idiopathic steatorrhea 
特発性視神経周囲炎 Idiopathic optic perineuritis
特発性歯牙吸収  idiopathic resorption of tooth 
特発性歯酸蝕症 idiopathic erosion
特発性歯髄炎  idiopathic pulpitis
特発性歯肉過形成症   idiopathic gingival hyperplasia 
特発性歯肉線維症  idiopathic gingival fibromatosis 
特発性自己免疫性好中球減少症 idiopathic autoimmune neutropenia
特発性自己免疫性溶血性貧血 Idiopathic Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia 

idiopathic self-mutilation

特発性自然気胸(単純性気胸 idiopathic spontaneous pneumothorax (simple pneumothorax)
特発性自発性冠動脈解離 Idiopathic spontaneous coronary artery dissection
特発性疾患  idiopathy; idiopathic disease 
特発性斜頚   idiopathic torticollis 
特発性若年性骨粗鬆症 idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis
特発性若年性歯周炎  idiopathic juvenile periodontitis 

spontaneous mediastinal emphysema〔【略】SME

特発性縦隔線維症 Idiopathic mediastinal fibrosis 
特発性出血 idiopathic bleeding   spontaneous bleeding
特発性出血性肉腫 idiopathic hemorrhagic sarcoma 
特発性徐脈  idiopathic bradycardia 
特発性小葉脂肪織炎 Idiopathic lobular panniculitis
特発性障害  idiopathic disorder  原因不明の内部機能障害から起こる病気
特発性上肢深部静脈血栓症 Idiopathic Upper Extremity Deep Vein Thrombosis 
特発性上皮小体機能低下症  idiopathic hypoparathyroidism 
特発性蒸気便  idiopathic steatorrhea 
特発性色素性紫斑 idiopathic pigmentary purpura
特発性食道アカラシア Idiopathic achalasia of esophagus
特発性食道拡張症 idiopathic esophageal dilatation  idiopathic dilatation of esophagus
特発性食道破裂 spontaneous rupture of the esophagus 
特発性食道腐食  spontaneous rupture of esophagus 
特発性心筋炎 idiopathic myocarditis 
特発性心筋疾患 idiopathic myocardial disease 
特発性心筋症  特発性心筋障害 idiopathic cardiomyopathy 
特発性心筋肥大   特発性心臓肥大  idiopathic cardiac hypertrophy 
特発性心室細動、ブルガダ型 Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation, Brugada type
特発性心室細動、非ブルガダ型 Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation, non Brugada type
特発性心室刺激  idiopathic ventricular stimulation 

idiopathic ventricular tachycardia〔【略】IVT〕

特発性心肥大症候群 idiopathic cardiomegaly syndrome 
特発性心房拡張  idiopathic atrial dilatation 
特発性心膜炎  idiopathic pericarditis 
特発性振戦   idiopathic tremor

idiopathic neovascular maculopathy


idiopathic neonatal hepatitis〔【略】INH〕

特発性新生児呼吸窮迫症候群  newborn respiratory distress syndrome
特発性新生児心房粗動 Idiopathic neonatal atrial flutter

idiopathic deep-vein thrombosis〔【略】IDVT〕

特発性神経症  idiopathic neurosis
特発性神経痛  idiopathic neuralgia 
特発性進行性ニューロパチー idiopathic progressive neuropathy
特発性進行性腰椎後弯症 Idiopathic progressive lumbar kyphosis
特発性進行性多発ニューロパチー  idiopathic progressive polyneuropathy 
特発性腎出血 idiopathic renal hemorrhage  idiopathic renal bleeding 
特発性水腫  特発性浮腫 idiopathic edema
特発性水腫胎児 Idiopathic Hydrops Fetalis 
特発性成人ダクトペニア Idiopathic adult ductopenia
特発性成人好中球減少症 idiopathic adult neutropenia

idiopathic adulthood ductopenia〔【略】IAD〕

特発性正常圧水頭症   idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus
特発性声門下狭窄症 Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis
特発性石灰沈着症  idiopathic calcinosis 
特発性脊髄空洞症 Idiopathic syringomyelia

spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma〔【略】SSEH〕

特発性脊柱側弯症  idiopathic scoliosis 
特発性赤血球生成不全性黄疸  idiopathic dyserythropoietic jaundice 
特発性切断  spontaneous amputation 
特発性舌咽神経痛   idiopathic glossopharyngeal neuralgia 
特発性先端骨溶解症症候群  idiopathic acro‐osteolysis syndrome 
特発性先天性眼振、優性、X連鎖 idiopathic congenital nystagmus, dominant, x- linked
特発性先天性甲状腺機能低下症 Idiopathic congenital hypothyroidism
特発性先天性中央肺胞低換気 Idiopathic congenital central alveolar hypoventilation 
特発性栓球減少性紫斑病   idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 

cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis〔【略】CFA〕

特発性線維化肺胞炎  idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis 

idiopathic fibrosis

特発性線維性腹膜後炎  idiopathic fibrous retroperitonitis 
特発性線状間質性角膜炎 Idiopathic linear interstitial keratitis

idiopathic vestibular syndrome〔【略】IVS〕

特発性前部ブドウ膜炎 Idiopathic anterior uveitis
特発性全般てんかん idiopathic generalized epilepsy  
特発性粗皮症 Idiopathic trachyonychia
特発性組織球症 idiopathic histiocytosis 

idiopathic loss


idiopathic hyperplasia

特発性側弯症  idiopathic scoliosis 
特発性多剤耐性ネフローゼ症候群 Idiopathic multidrug-resistant nephrotic syndrome
特発性多中心性キャッスルマン病 Idiopathic multicentric Castleman's disease 
特発性多中心性骨溶解症 Idiopathic multicentric osteolysis 
特発性多中心性骨溶解症 Idiopathic Multicentric Osteolysis 
特発性多尿症  idiopathic polyuria 
特発性多発性筋炎  idiopathic polymyositis
特発性多発性出血性肉腫 idiopathic multiple hemorrhagic sarcoma 
特発性多発性斑状黒皮症  melanodermia macularis multiplex idiopathica 
特発性多毛症 idiopathic hirsutism   idiopathic hypertrichosis
特発性大規模骨溶解 Idiopathic massive osteolysis
特発性大腿骨頭壊死症  idiopathic osteonecrosis of femoral head 
特発性大腿骨内顆骨壊死 idiopathic femoral medial condylar osteonecrosis
特発性大腸炎  idiopathic colitis 
特発性大脳基底核石灰化 Idiopathic basal ganglia calcification
特発性脱毛症   unexplainable hair loss 

spontaneous gangrene


idiopathic biliary ductopenia

特発性胆汁酸吸収不良 Idiopathic bile acid malabsorption
特発性男性化症  idiopathic defemination 
特発性男性不妊症  idiopathic male infertility; idiopathic male sterity 
特発性遅発性小脳性運動失調症 Idiopathic late-onset cerebellar ataxia
特発性中心性漿液性脈絡膜症  idiopathic central serous choroidopathy 
特発性中枢神経系過眠症 Idiopathic Central Nervous System Hypersomnolence 
特発性中枢性思春期早発症 Idiopathic central precocious puberty

idiopathic central sleep apnea《精神医学》〔【略】ICSA〕

特発性中枢性尿崩症 idiopathic central diabetes insipidus

idiopathic intussusception

特発性腸症症候群  idiopathic enteropathy syndrome 

idiopathic intestinal perforation

特発性直腸炎  idiopathic proctitis
特発性直腸結腸炎  idiopathic proctocolitis 
特発性痛風   idiopathic gout
特発性潰瘍性結腸炎  idiopathic ulcerative colitis 
特発性潰瘍性食道炎  idiopathic ulcerative esophagitis 
特発性潰瘍性大腸炎  idiopathic ulcerative colitis 

idiopathic subungual keratosis

特発性低ゴナドトロピン性性腺機能低下症 idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism  
特発性低血圧症 idiopathic hypotension
特発性低血糖症   idiopathic hypoglycemia 
特発性低身長症 idiopathic short stature
特発性滴状低メラニン症  idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis 

idiopathic sideroblastic anemia〔【略】ISA〕

特発性頭蓋顔面紅斑 Idiopathic craniofacial erythema 
特発性頭蓋内圧亢進症 idiopathic intracranial hypertension 
特発性頭垂れ症候群 Idiopathic dropped head syndrome

idiopathic headache

特発性動脈炎 idiopathic arteritis 
特発性銅関連肝硬変 Idiopathic copper-associated cirrhosis

idiopathic copper toxicosis〔【略】ICT〕


idiopathic internal resorption

特発性難治性鉄芽球性貧血 idiopathic refractory sideroblastic anemia 
特発性二重アテトーシス idiopathic double athetosis

idiopathic granuloma

特発性肉芽腫性乳房炎 Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis
特発性乳児動脈石灰化 Idiopathic infantile arterial calcification
特発性乳児無顆粒球症 idiopathic infantile agranulocytosis 

idiopathic galactorrhea

特発性乳幼児高カルシウム血症 idiopathic hypercalcemia of infants 
特発性尿細管性蛋白尿症 idiopathic tubular proteinuria
特発性尿崩症  idiopathic diabetes insipidus 
特発性熱帯吸収不良症候群 Idiopathic Tropical Malabsorption Syndrome 
特発性捻転ジストニア  idiopathic torsion dystonia 
特発性捻転性失調症  idiopathic torsion dystonia 
特発性粘液水腫   idiopathic myxedema
特発性嚢胞状大動脈中膜壊死  medionecrosis aortae idiopathica cystica 
特発性脳出血  特発性脳内出血  idiopathic cerebral hemorrhage  idiopathic intracerebral hemorrhage
特発性脳内血腫  idiopathic intracerebral hematoma 
特発性膿瘍 idiopathic abscess 
特発性破局てんかん性脳症 Idiopathic catastrophic epileptic encephalopathy
特発性破傷風  tetanus idiopathicus; idiopathic tetanus 
特発性破裂 spontaneous rupture 
特発性敗血症 idiopathic sepsis
特発性肺ヘモジデリン症・沈着症 idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis 
特発性肺炎症候群  idiopathic pneumonia syndrome 
特発性肺血鉄症・鉄素症   idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis 
特発性肺高血圧症 Idiopathic pulmonary hypertension 

idiopathic pulmonary [pulmonic] hemorrhage〔【略】IPH〕

特発性肺線維症 idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
特発性肺動脈拡張症  idiopathic dilatation of pulmonary artery 
特発性肺動脈高血圧症  idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension  

idiopathic pulmonary [pulmonic] arterial hypertension〔【略】IPAH〕

特発性肺胞蛋白症 idiopathic alveolar proteinosis

idiopathic alveolar hypoventilation

特発性肺胞低換気症候群 idiopathic alveolar hypoventilation syndrome
特発性白血球減少症  idiopathic leukopenia 

idiopathic vitiligo

特発性発作性横紋筋融解症 idiopathic paroxysmal rhabdomyolysis 
特発性発作性寒冷ヘモグロビン尿症  idiopathic paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria 
特発性発疹 idiopathic rash
特発性半月体形成性糸球体腎炎 idiopathic crescentic glomerulonephritis

idiopathic reactive hypoglycemia〔【略】IRH〕

特発性斑状出血 idiopathic ecchymosis
特発性汎ぶどう膜炎 Idiopathic panuveitis
特発性皮膚萎縮症  idiopathic cutaneous atrophy

idiopathic dermatosis


idiopathic pruritus〔【略】IP〕

特発性肥厚性硬膜炎 Idiopathic hypertrophic pachymeningitis
特発性肥厚性大動脈弁下部狭窄症   idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis 
特発性肥大   idiopathic hypertrophy 
特発性肥大型心筋症 Idiopathic Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy 
特発性肥大型変形性関節症 idiopathic hypertrophic osteoarthropathy 
特発性肥大性骨関節症  idiopathic hypertrophic osteoarthropathy 
特発性肥大性大動脈弁下部狭窄症 idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis 
特発性肥大性弁下狭窄症 Idiopathic Hypertrophic Subvalvular Stenosis 
特発性非家族性ジストニア idiopathic nonfamilial dystonia
特発性非動脈硬化性脳内脈管石灰症  idiopathic nonarteriosclerotic cerebrovascular calcification 
特発性非狼瘡フルハウス腎症 Idiopathic non-lupus full-house nephropathy
特発性微小変化ネフローゼ症候群 Idiopathic Minimal Change Nephrotic Syndrome 
特発性鼻出血 idiopathic epistaxis
特発性貧血  idiopathic anemia; primary anemia 
特発性頻拍  essential tachycardia 
特発性不安  free-floating anxiety 

idiopathic infertility


idiopathic insomnia

特発性浮腫 idiopathic oedema 
特発性副甲状腺機能低下症・不全症  idiopathic hypoparathyroidism 
特発性副腎過形成 Idiopathic Adrenal hyperplasia
特発性副腎甲状腺機能低下症 idiopathic hypothyroidism
特発性副腎性器障害 idiopathic adrenogenital disorder
特発性腹腔卒中   idiopathic abdominal apoplexy
特発性腹膜後線維化症   idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis 
特発性噴門弛緩症  idiopathic dilatation of the esophagus 
特発性閉塞性血管障害 Idiopathic obliterative vasculopathy 
特発性閉塞性細気管支炎  idiopathic bronchiolitis obliteran 
特発性閉塞性動脈症 Idiopathic obliterative arteriopathy

idiopathic mural endomyocardial disease

特発性片側けいれん・片麻痺症候群 Idiopathic hemiconvulsion-hemiplegia syndrome

idiopathic constipation

特発性傍中心窩毛細血管拡張症 idiopathic parafoveal telangiectasia
特発性膜性糸球体腎炎  idiopathic membranous glomerulonephritis 
特発性膜性腎症  idiopathic membranous nephropathy 
特発性末梢自律神経ニューロパチー idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy
特発性末梢性顔面神経麻痺 idiopathic peripheral facial nerve palsy
特発性慢性好酸球性肺炎 Idiopathic chronic eosinophilic pneumonia

idiopathic chronic pericardial effusion

特発性慢性肺血栓塞栓症 idiopathic chronic pulmonary thromboembolism
特発性慢性疲労 idiopathic chronic fatigue
特発性慢性膵炎 idiopathic chronic pancreatitis

idiopathic dysgeusia

特発性脈絡膜新生血管 idiopathic choroidal neovascularization
特発性無菌性壊死 idiopathic aseptic necrosis

idiopathic sterile nodular panniculitis《獣医》〔【略】ISNP〕

特発性無形成貧血 idiopathic aplastic anemia 
特発性無血管性壊死 Idiopathic avascular necrosis
特発性無症候性高CK血症 Idiopathic asymptomatic hyperCKemia  Creatine Kinase   
特発性免疫グロブリン欠損症 Idiopathic immunoglobulin deficiency
特発性免疫好中球減少症  idiopathic immunoneutropenia 
特発性毛細血管炎 idiopathic capillaritis 
特発性毛細血管漏出症候群 Idiopathic capillary leak syndrome
特発性網状皮斑  livedo reticularis idiopathica 
特発性網膜血管炎 Idiopathic retinal vasculitis
特発性網膜血管周囲炎 Idiopathic retinal perivasculitis
特発性網膜剥離   idiopathic retinal detachment 
特発性網膜扁平剥離  idiopathic flat detachment of the retina 
特発性門脈圧亢進症 特発性門脈高圧症 idiopathic portal hypertension 
特発性夜盲症 idiopathic night blindness   hemeralopia idiopathica 
特発性幼児性胸腰椎側彎  idiopathic infantile thoracolumbar scoliosis 
特発性幼稚症  idiopathic infantilism 
特発性溶血性貧血  idiopathic hemolytic anemia 
特発性落葉皮膚 Idiopathic deciduous skin
特発性律動異常  paroxysmal dysrhythmia
特発性流産  idiopathic miscarriage
特発性両側性感音難聴  idiopathic bilateral sensorineural hearing loss 
特発性両側性前庭症 Idiopathic bilateral vestibulopathy
特発性両側性前庭症 idiopathic bilateral vestibulopathy 
特発性両側性前庭障害   idiopathic bilateral vestibulopathy 
特発性良性血尿 idiopathic benign hematuria
特発性類宦官症  idiopathic eunuchoidism 
特発性嘔吐症 idiopathic emesis 
特発性疼痛 idiopathic pain 
特発性脛骨内顆骨壊死 idiopathic tibial medial condyle osteonecrosis

idiopathic pancreatitis

特発性蕁麻疹, 特発性じん麻疹 idiopathic urticaria
特発性頸動脈海綿静脈洞瘻 spontaneous carotid-cavernous fistula 
特発中心漿液性脈絡膜症 idiopathic central serous choroidopathy 
突発性感音難聴 idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss